Flyer & Literature Distribution Guidelines

Contact Person: Les Linebarger, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer 

As a service to the community, Nacogdoches ISD may distribute and display "non-school" notices, announcements, brochures and promotional flyers to its students, employees, and parents. These materials must promote an event or service that benefits NISD students and/or families. Organizations interested in distributing materials to NISD campuses should adhere to the following guidelines prior to distribution.

Basic Requirements for Consideration

Flyers must:

  • Be produced by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization

  • Benefit a significant number of Nacogdoches ISD students and/or families

  • Include the name and contact information of the organization sponsoring the services or event

Approval Process

To submit a flyer for approval, submit an electronic copy (MS Word or PDF File) of the flyer (with the district disclaimer) to Please allow 1-2 business days for a response.

The Communications & Community Engagement Department may request proof of the organization’s non-profit or tax-exempt status.

Flyer Distribution Requirements

The following disclaimer should be included on the flyer in BOLD letters in at least a 12-point font:

“This organization and its activities are not related to or sponsored by Nacogdoches Independent School District.”

Posting of Flyers

Flyers and other non-school literature will be placed at an “Information Table” at the school’s front office.

At the principal’s discretion, flyers may be sent home with students or may be displayed in high traffic areas of the school.

Possible Reasons for Denial

  1. Flyers will be denied for the following reasons:

    1. For-profit and in accordance with NISD policies GKDA (LOCAL) and GKB (LOCAL).

  2. Fundraising flyers are not considered from groups outside the school district. Contact the Communications & Community Engagement Department for business partnerships.

  3. The flyer does not adhere to these guidelines or district policy