Board notes – Regular meeting, November 16, 2023


Regular Meeting

Thursday, November 16, 2023




Board entered closed session at 5:01 p.m.

Board returned to open session at 6:03 p.m.


A. Invocation was provided by T.C. Grohman.

B. Pledge of Allegiance led by students from Margie Chumbley Academy for Success.


A. NHS Dragon Band – Les Linebarger

Nacogdoches High School band director Jacob Weems was on hand with student leaders from the band. The NHS band finished sixth at the Texas Military Marching Band Contest held last month in Waco.

B. Superintendent Announcements – Superintendent Dr. Gabriel Trujillo

On Tuesday, Nacogdoches area professionals and NHS Career and Technical Education staff shared information and ideas Tuesday during the CTE Advisory Board meeting at the Malcolm Rector Center for Advanced Careers and Innovation. This annual meeting is an opportunity for business leaders and industry experts to provide valuable input to NISD staff about job opportunities and needs in the city and county. Looking around the CTE center Tuesday, I was reminded just how many partnerships we have around the community and how important that is to our district. Coy, our Director of College & Career Readiness, and her staff do a wonderful job setting up the advisory board meeting and maintaining those relationships with area employers. It was a great night and I was glad to be a part of it!

Along those same lines, last week juniors and seniors at Nacogdoches High School got to hear from more industry professionals in the community as part of a discussion panel for students preparing to enter the workforce. During three sessions held in the NHS auditorium, guidance and advice were provided to future applicants on how best to approach an interview setting as well as best practices once on a job site. These sessions are for students both preparing to enter the workforce after graduation or go on to college… I can’t begin to stress how important this is to our students, to hear from some of the people they may very well be interviewing with in the coming months and years.

I met today with NISD Community Ambassadors as we move closer to wrapping up another cohort. We heard some great presentations from principals and had roundtable discussions with wraparound services such as Transportation, PEIMs and Student Management. I greatly enjoy my monthly meetings with our ambassadors, and next month I’ll have them here at the board meeting as we wrap up our time together.

Tomorrow, a number of East Texas superintendents and school leaders will be in town to receive a legislative update from Deeann Lee with Raise Your Hand Texas. This will be an important opportunity to hear how things are down in Austin… tomorrow, House lawmakers will be back in session to discuss the latest legislation related to school funding and vouchers. It’s vital that we as school leaders remain engaged in this process as it moves forward. Lots of things are happening in the coming days that could long influence the direction of public education. I look forward to meeting with my fellow school leaders and hearing from Deeann, who’s a candid and enthusiastic supporter of Texas public schools.

And, finally, just a reminder that the district will be closed next week for the Thanksgiving holiday. I know our teachers and staff are ready for some time to rest up and prepare for the final push to the end of the Fall semester when we come back. The work that’s been done this fall has been phenomenal, and I’m proud of campuses, teachers, administrators and staff. 


A. Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) Report 2022-2023 ratings based on school year 2021-2022 data.

1. Presentation of report – Wendy Fox

The district again received a Superior rating – the highest possible – from the State of Texas.

2. Opportunity for board/public comment on the FIRST Report – No one from the public asked to address the board.


No one from the public asked to address the board.


Unless removed from the Consent Agenda, the Board will take action on items identified under the Consent Agenda at one time.

A. Board Meeting Minutes

1. October 2023 Meeting Minutes

B. Business Office Reports – Lisa Barbarick

1. Budget Amendments

2. Donations under $2,500.00

3. Investment Report

C. Consideration of gifts and donations over $2,500 – Lisa Barbarick

D. Purchases Over $25,000.00

1. Boys & Girls Club – Michael Martin

2. Kommerical Kitchens – Lisa Barbarick

3. Tipton Ford – Lisa Barbarick

4. Gulf Coast Recreation – Dr. Kimberly Welsh

5. Epic – Maury Tarvin

D. Submission of Professional Development Waivers to TEA for the 2023 - 2024 School Year – Maury Tarvin

E. Brooks-Quinn-Jones Elementary Targeted Improvement Plan – Dr. Kimberly Welsh

F. Margie Chumbley Academy for Success roofing project – Michael Martin

G. Fire alarm/intercom replacement projects – Michael Martin

H. Finalize purchase of real property located on Klein Drive, Nacogdoches, Texas 75965 – Superintendent Dr. Gabriel Trujillo

I. First reading of revised local policy CH – purchasing and acquisition – Michael Martin

J. Cast votes for candidates for the Nacogdoches County Central Appraisal District Board of Directors for January 2024 through December 2025 term of office.

K. Revisions to the Board Operating Procedures Manual – Farshid Niroumand

Motion to approve consent agenda as presented was made by James Montoya and seconded by T.C. Grohman. The motion was approved.


A. Action Resulting From Executive/Closed Session – Farshid Niroumand

There was no action from Executive/Closed Session.

B. Consideration of annual school district audit for fiscal year 2022-23 – Wendy Fox

The board heard a report from auditor Darla Dear of the accounting firm Belt, Harris & Pechacek.

A motion to approve the school district audit for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 was made by Leabeth Abt and seconded by Kallie Pitcock. The motion was approved.

9.  ADJOURN – Meeting adjourned at 6:46 p.m.