NISD earns 'Superior' FIRST rating for 12th straight year

Nacogdoches Independent School District received a rating of “A” for “Superior Achievement” under Texas’ School FIRST financial accountability rating system. The “Superior Achievement” rating is the state’s highest, demonstrating the quality of Nacogdoches ISD’s financial management and reporting system. The report was presented Nov. 16 to NISD’s Board of Trustees.

The Texas Education Agency assigns one of four financial accountability ratings to Texas school districts, with the highest being “A” for “Superior Achievement,” followed by “B” for “Above-Standard Achievement,” “C” for “Standard Achievement” and “F” for “Substandard Achievement.” Nacogdoches ISD has achieved the highest rating for 12 prior years. 

The rating system measures the quality of a school district’s financial management and reporting system. Financial data used to compile the 2023 FIRST report is from the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022.  

School FIRST (Financial Accountability Rating System of Texas) is a system developed by Texas Education Agency for school districts in response to Senate Bill 875 of the 76th Texas Legislature in 1999 (and amendments under House Bill 5, 83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2013). 

School FIRST’s primary goal is to achieve quality performance in the management of school districts’ financial resources, an objective made more significant due to the complexity of Texas’ school finance system.

“We’re pleased with our FIRST rating,” said Nacogdoches ISD Superintendent Dr. Gabriel Trujillo. “Schools in Texas are accountable not only for student learning but for wisely spending tax dollars, and this report shows that’s exactly what NISD is accomplishing.”