Trustees adopt resolution, urge full funding of public education

Nacogdoches ISD’s Board of Trustees voted Monday to join with other East Texas school districts in adopting a resolution urging state lawmakers to fully fund public schools at the national average per pupil cost of $14,347. So far, 47 school districts in the Region 7 Service Center area have adopted the resolution.

NISD board members asked Texas legislators to reject any bill that would “divert public funds through voucher schemes, as this undermines the financial stability of public schools and perpetuates educational inequalities.”

The resolution also calls for legislators to consider any funding bills separate from the ongoing voucher debate.

“Tying these two individual issues together is unfair to the 350,000 Texas Teachers and the almost 5.5 million public school students who are being negatively impacted by these schemes,” the voucher reads.

The resolution adopted Monday will be printed and delivered to all state lawmakers in Austin as well as Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.

“I’m disappointed – I’m not surprised – but I’m disappointed that this discussion about vouchers is continually linked with parent choice,” Trustee Leabeth Abt said during Monday’s meeting. “And I just want it on the record, we have parental choice now. A parent can choose what school their child goes to. And if it is a public school outside our district they can still ask to be transferred over there.

“Anyone who is interested in this debate should read all the facts and get the background on it.”