New Dismissal System


Beginning Monday, October 2, we will begin transitioning to a new dismissal system.  Please check your child’s backpack for their new car tags (they went home Thursday and Friday).  You should receive 3 car tags, 1 full page and 2 half page tags.  The full page tag is for the main pick up vehicle and the other two are for any person who might be picking your child up on a given day.  Please understand that beginning Monday, October 2,  one of these car tags must be displayed during dismissal in the car line.  If this tag is not displayed we will not be able to release your child until the car line closes.  These tags will be required anytime your student is a car rider throughout the 2023-2024 school year.  

If your child did not come home with a new car tag please contact the school Monday morning or email

You will see a QR code and an expiration date on the smaller tags, that information is not necessary at this time and will not affect the pick up process.  These are the tags that you can give to the other adults who occasionally pick up your child after school.

Please note: AT THIS TIME WE ARE NOT UTILIZING THE DISMISSAL APP.  As we get accustomed to this system we may gradually utilize more features.